Quote to Cash Process
Getting potential customers to move from receiving their initial quote to actually paying for services is a multi-step process. The steps between first connecting with a potential customer and the moment that customer decides to make a purchase is called the quote-to-cash process. CSG offers solutions that reduce the quote-to-cash timeline and improve customer satisfaction.

What Is Quote to Cash?
Quote to cash describes the entire sales cycle, from the initial quote to the time revenue is collected. The quote-to-cash cycle typically involves eight steps, many of which can be automated with quote-to-cash software.
Challenges With Quote to Cash
The quote-to-cash process can be lengthy and unwieldy, especially if your business performs each step manually. If the quotes you provide potential customers exceed their budgets or don’t meet their needs, the process may end before it ever has a chance to begin.
Once the cycle starts, your company may face challenges with order fulfillment, invoicing delays or payment difficulties. Automating the process can better equip your business to respond to any challenges.

What our clients say:
Streamline the Quote-to-Cash Process with CSG
CSG Quote & Order streamlines the quote-to-cash process. Our software can reduce the time it takes your company to go from quote to cash by 30%. By using Quote and Order with CSG Encompass or CSG Ascendon, our telecom Business Support System (BSS) solutions, your company can:
- Provide more accurate quotes to customers.
- Adjust pricing based on customer needs.
- Streamline billing and payment.
- Automate order fulfillment.
- Manage your product catalog more efficiently.

Ready to get started?
CSG solutions provide the automated tools you need to simplify telecom revenue management & monetization, and partner management. Contact us today to learn more.