fiber optic cables

From Startup to Scalable Success: How a BSS Can Help Grow Your Fiber Business, Fast


Customers today demand lightning-fast speeds—not just in their internet connections, but in every aspect of their online experiences. From sign up to sign in to billing and technical support, a quick, effortless experience is crucial to winning and keeping customers. By creating an easy, enjoyable customer experience (CX), you can avoid customer frustration and churn by eliminating friction points like slow onboarding, complicated billing or unreliable customer service.

Enjoyable, fast fiber internet service can inspire consumers to open their wallets. In fact, 75% of respondents to one survey said they’d be willing to pay more for fiber; more than 30% said they’d shell out up to $10 more per month for it. And that willingness to spend is reflected in the fiber industry’s growing value.

This rapid expansion brings with it a unique set of challenges for new fiber operators, including keeping up with the rapid pace of competition. And the increased demand for faster activity won’t produce its potential return on investment if dissatisfying CX leads to increased customer churn. That’s why having a robust and efficient business support system (BSS) is crucial to keeping your company’s CX on par with what savvy fiber buyers expect, including simple ways to:

  • Expand service options.
  • Acquire and onboard customers.
  • Diversify plans.
  • Schedule connection appointments.
  • Schedule service calls.
  • Compile and send bills.
  • Create new, unique service models.

Getting CX right is a critical factor for success in fiber, and getting it done quickly is imperative with today’s fierce competition. That’s why now is the time to invest in an agile, fiber-specific BSS—one that provides the opportunity to create great CX and lives up to evolving demands of customers that value high-quality internet and service. Your BSS also must meet complex operational needs while saving time and money. Specifically, you need a platform that makes it easy to facilitate customer onboarding, offer a variety of plans, manage billing and schedule technician appointments.

What to Look for in a BSS

For fiber-based internet service providers, the right BSS can help streamline your operations, reduce costs and provide superior CX. Here are key criteria consider:

  • Cloud-based system: This is a game-changer for fiber optic internet providers. It significantly reduces the time to deployment compared to on-premises systems. You can get your services up and running faster, providing a competitive edge and helping your business resiliently scale to meet demand.
  • Cost savings: With a cloud-based BSS, you avoid substantial investment and ongoing maintenance costs associated with on-premises hardware. This shortens your time to market and frees up resources for other strategic initiatives, helping you to grow and innovate.
  • Comprehensive offerings: A BSS provider with a proven track record of managing rapidly increasing types of subscription, billing, payments and service management offerings is a crucial partner for handling the complexities of the fiber business.
  • Scalability: As your business grows and acquires new customers, your BSS should be able to scale with you. The ability to handle increased volume without compromising performance or CX is a must.
  • Adaptability: The fiber industry is constantly evolving, with new business models emerging all the time. A flexible BSS can quickly adapt to these changes and help you stay ahead of your competitors.

How the Right BSS Can Quickly Increase ROI

Investing in a cloud-native BSS can significantly speed up the time it takes for fiber companies to see a return on their investment. Here’s how:

  1. Cloud-native advantage: A cloud-native BSS allows providers to launch new digital services and onboard new customers quickly, enabling implementation of a rating and charging platform that’s highly scalable and flexible.
  2. Simplified billing: A robust BSS simplifies the billing process and puts control in your hands, reducing administrative overhead and improving accuracy. This leads to happier customers and fewer billing disputes, which can boost your bottom line.
  3. Streamlined operations: By choosing a cloud-native BSS platform that offers integrated dispatching and scheduling, fiber operators can trim operations, producing significant cost savings for your company over time.
  4. Future-proof and flexible: A cloud-native, scalable BSS can grow with your business, providing a solid foundation for your long-term success—whether you’re offering residential services, business services or both. This flexibility allows you to adapt to market changes and seize new opportunities as they arise.

These are just a few ways investing in a cloud-native, fiber-ready BSS will enhance your growing company’s efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction, delivering a quicker ROI.

CSG BSS for Fiber

CSG’s cloud-native fiber BSS solution provides the economic advantages and adaptability that are critical to growing your business quickly. Startup fiber companies don’t have to start from scratch. They can tap into our proven technologies while maintaining business continuity.

CSG’s BSS for fiber can enhance your organizational productivity and cost-effectiveness by refining processes like managing products and offers, order fulfillment, post-sale care, and service assurance. Our cloud technology presents a practical and powerful solution for fiber providers.

We’re playing a pivotal role in the fiber industry’s growth. With our 40-plus years of experience in telecommunications, we bring our customers the most recent insights and a deep understanding of the market. They’re reaping the benefits of CSG’s solutions and expertise. You could be next.

Contact our team so we can help partner with you by understanding your specific business goals and help you to see the quickest ROI.

Greg Glass Headshot

Greg Glass

Sales Director