
How can operators capitalize on 5G-Advanced upgrades?

Watch this on-demand webinar featuring experts from GSMA, CSG, T-Mobile US, and Radisys for exclusive insights into how mobile players can capitalize on the enhanced capabilities of 5G-A, as well as the considerable challenges they face in improving top-line growth while spending on network upgrades continues to soar.

Fill out the form to watch the webinar.

The first 5G-Advanced (5G-A) standards are expected to be frozen by midyear, paving the way for commercial rollouts to accelerate globally. China Mobile revealed at MWC Barcelona plans to take the technology to 300 cities by end-2024, making significant progress over the last four months with the first deployments in Shanghai in March.

While the technical elements may be in place, the key question is: what value can the technology bring to mobile operators in terms of fresh revenue streams from new use cases, as well as cost reductions through improved network efficiency, increased capacity, and coverage?

Access this insightful panel session to find out how mobile operators can leverage 5G-A for growth.

Watch the webinar

5G-Advanced upgrades webinar panel graphic

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